See Success With Less Money In State & Local Governments

At VIP, we have experience in working with state and local government organizations with a successful track record exceeding 300 government software agencies. We understand what you are going through and we know how to help. Learn how we create strategies to keep up with technology, compliance, and stay ahead of economic trends.


How To Succeed Under Pressure With New Budget Cuts?

In the wake of constant change and budget cuts, state and local government agencies are under a tremendous amount of pressure to do more with less. Accomplish this and innovate? That’s where we come in.


Our Tools For Success


Create scalable local and state government software to leave room to grow.


Tailored Software

Develop software that meets your goals and drives mission success.



Collaborate with leading specialized government software institutions.



Ensure your licensing is in order to perform operations on the government level.


Case Management

Keep pace with public demands and handle more work with less staff.



Make sense of healthcare requirements in local and state government employee policies.


Tax Revenue Requirements

Global transparency of tax and exchange information.



Automate all aspects of the permitting process to reduce time and cost.


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